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Transparent OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate

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  • Transparent OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
e-print provides various types of Label sticker for your selection.  We offering the high value products in best price!
  • Price List
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Qty \ pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    Size (mm) S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$
    10 x 10 27.4 31.2 35.3 44.6 48.2 58.3
    15 x 15 28.9 33 37.3 47.2 51.3 62.7
    20 x 20 30.9 35.3 40 50.8 55.4 68.8
    25 x 25 33.6 38.3 43.5 55.3 60.9 76.7
    30 x 30 36.8 42 47.7 61 67.6 86.3
    35 x 35 40.6 46.6 52.8 67.6 75.4 97.6
    40 x 40 44.9 51.6 58.6 75.2 84.4 110.8
    45 x 45 49.9 57.5 65.2 83.9 94.7 125.7
    50 x 50 55.4 63.9 72.6 93.5 106.1 142.3
    55 x 55 61.6 71.1 80.8 104.3 118.8 160.7
    60 x 60 68.3 78.8 89.7 116.1 132.6 180.8
    65 x 65 75.6 87.3 99.5 128.9 147.7 202.7
    70 x 70 83.4 96.5 109.9 142.6 164 226.3
    75 x 75 91.9 106.4 121.2 157.4 181.5 251.7
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Qty \ pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    Size (mm) S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$
    10 x 10 35.5 40 44.5 49.9 55.9 66.1
    15 x 15 37.1 41.7 46.5 52.4 59 70.5
    20 x 20 39 44.1 49.1 56 63.2 76.6
    25 x 25 41.7 47.2 52.6 60.7 68.7 84.5
    30 x 30 44.9 50.9 57 66.2 75.3 94
    35 x 35 48.7 55.4 62 72.9 83.1 105.5
    40 x 40 53 60.5 67.8 80.5 92.2 118.6
    45 x 45 58 66.2 74.4 89.2 102.4 133.5
    50 x 50 63.6 72.7 81.8 98.9 113.9 150.1
    55 x 55 69.6 79.8 89.9 109.6 126.6 168.5
    60 x 60 76.4 87.7 98.9 121.3 140.4 188.6
    65 x 65 83.6 96.2 108.7 134.1 155.4 210.4
    70 x 70 91.6 105.4 119.2 147.9 171.7 234.1
    75 x 75 100 115.3 130.4 162.7 189.2 259.5
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Qty \ pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    Size (mm) S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$
    10 x 10 43.4 47.1 53.7 64.8 75.4 85.5
    15 x 15 44.8 48.8 55.6 67.3 78.5 89.9
    20 x 20 46.8 51.2 58.3 70.9 82.7 96
    25 x 25 49.4 54.3 61.8 75.5 88.2 103.9
    30 x 30 52.6 58 66.1 81.1 94.8 113.5
    35 x 35 56.4 62.4 71.2 87.8 102.6 124.9
    40 x 40 60.9 67.5 77 95.4 111.5 138
    45 x 45 65.8 73.3 83.6 104 121.8 153
    50 x 50 71.3 79.7 91.1 113.7 133.3 169.5
    55 x 55 77.5 86.9 99.2 124.5 146 187.9
    60 x 60 84.2 94.8 108.2 136.2 159.9 208.1
    65 x 65 91.5 103.2 117.8 148.9 174.9 229.9
    70 x 70 99.3 112.4 128.3 162.7 191.2 253.5
    75 x 75 107.7 122.4 139.7 177.6 208.7 278.9
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Qty \ pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    Size (mm) S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$
    10 x 10 50.4 55.9 67.2 76.4 90.6 116.6
    15 x 15 51.9 57.7 69 79 93.6 121
    20 x 20 53.9 60 71.8 82.5 97.9 127.1
    25 x 25 56.5 63 75.3 87.1 103.3 135
    30 x 30 59.7 66.7 79.5 92.7 109.9 144.6
    35 x 35 63.6 71.3 84.6 99.4 117.7 156
    40 x 40 67.9 76.3 90.4 107 126.8 169.1
    45 x 45 72.8 82.2 97 115.7 137.1 184.1
    50 x 50 78.4 88.6 104.4 125.4 148.5 200.6
    55 x 55 84.6 95.8 112.6 136.2 161.2 219
    60 x 60 91.3 103.6 121.5 147.9 175 239.2
    65 x 65 98.6 112.1 131.2 160.7 190.1 261
    70 x 70 106.4 121.2 141.7 174.4 206.4 284.6
    75 x 75 114.8 131.1 153.1 189.2 223.9 310

'*Square / Rectangle / Round / Oval only